A Checklist for Your Next Dental Visit

Regular dental check-ups are a crucial part of oral health maintenance. You should see your dentist twice a year for maintenance. But, for most people, finding the time in your schedule for an appointment tends to be the hardest part. Be sure to find the time though, as your oral health depends on it.  Once Read More

7 Things to Know Before Getting Veneers

Veneers might be a good option for you if you want to reinvent your smile. Veneers can change the appearance of your teeth in a way that can mask imperfections and boost your confidence in your smile. However, there are several things you should know and consider before deciding if veneers are the right choice Read More

Date Night with Braces – What to Order

Date night can be a nerve-wracking experience. From what to wear, where to go, to what to talk about. The numerous variables of date night can wreak havoc on what should be a fun experience. You don’t want your braces to be another source of worry during your night out, and they don’t have to Read More

How to be the Best Tooth Fairy!

We all remember the excitement of losing teeth as a child. Losing teeth often isn’t the exciting part, but the visit from the Tooth Fairy is! Nowadays, there are a lot more things you can do beyond slipping some money under a pillow to create wonderful memories your child will never forget. Keep reading for Read More

What You Need to Know about Dental Implants

Dental implants are metal posts or frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, they allow your dentist to mount replacement teeth onto them. It is crucial that you find a qualified professional to educate you and help you to decide if dental implants are right for you. Keep Read More

3 Secrets to Making Flossing Simpler

Flossing may not be everyone’s favorite, but it is IMPORTANT! Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth to prevent gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. Flossing helps to eliminate the accumulation of harmful bacteria and plaque, which is a result of food particles that get trapped between the teeth and under the gum Read More

Statistics about Smiling and Happiness

Smiling is an important part of your health and happiness! Your dentist’s office (and your orthodontist’s) are committed to keeping your smile healthy and happy for years to come. While smiling can seem very superficial initially, a beautiful smile can actually have a positive impact on your overall well-being in addition to making you feel Read More

The Advantages of Digital Impressions in Orthodontics

In the field of orthodontics, technological advances have brought about significant changes in the way impressions of patients’ teeth are taken. Specifically, the introduction of digital impressions has been a game-changer, providing accuracy and comfort compared to traditional putty impressions. If you’re curious about how these innovations have transformed orthodontic treatment, Dr. Sepi Torkan at Read More

Choosing the Right Dental Specialist

The dilemma of selecting between a dentist, pedodontist, or orthodontist in Redmond WA often perplexes consumers. The rationale behind opting for an orthodontist is clear: experience and specialized training. What are the Differences Between Dentists, Pedodontists, and Orthodontists? Dentists: All three—dentists, pedodontists, and orthodontists—are skilled in oral care. However, their expertise spans across different facets of Read More

Navigating Orthodontics: The ABC’s

At iSmile Orthodontics in Redmond, WA discover the “ABC’s of Orthodontics”: “A” for age, “B” for braces, and “C” for cost and choices. This simplified approach is your gateway to understanding orthodontic care better. Age plays a vital role, particularly in orthodontics. Evaluations around age 7 can prevent future issues, and these assessments are often Read More

It’s Never Too Late for Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment has the power to enhance the appearance of individuals of all ages, from children to adults. In today’s society, people have become increasingly aware of the significance of cultivating and maintaining a beautiful smile.   As our life expectancy continues to increase, the importance of having a healthy and attractive smile remains constant Read More

Why DIY Orthodontics Is a Bad Idea?

In today’s digital age, the allure of DIY solutions is stronger than ever. With just a few clicks, you can access information and products for almost anything, including orthodontic treatments. While the idea of saving money and straightening your teeth at home may seem tempting, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved. In this Read More

Your Smile’s Best Friends – Retainers

Congratulations! You’ve bid farewell to braces, and your radiant smile is beaming at everyone and everything in sight. But before you throw a victory parade for your new grin, remember to cherish your retainers to preserve those perfect teeth. Keep reading to learn more on how to protect your retainers from Dr. Sepi Torkan at Read More

Celebrating National Orthodontic Health Month

October is known for cooler weather, pumpkin patches, and Halloween, but did you know it’s also National Orthodontic Health Month? This month celebrates the important role that orthodontics plays in improving both oral and mental health. While straightening your teeth may seem like a minor concern, the benefits can have a significant impact on your Read More

Keeping Up with the Innovations in Orthodontics

Innovation is at the forefront of the orthodontic industry, constantly driving change and growth. New technologies and practices are emerging all the time, so it’s essential to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in orthodontics to ensure you’re receiving the best possible care. If you’re interested in staying informed about the most recent advancements in Read More