Statistics about Smiling and Happiness

Smiling is an important part of your health and happiness! Your dentist’s office (and your orthodontist’s) are committed to keeping your smile healthy and happy for years to come. While smiling can seem very superficial initially, a beautiful smile can actually have a positive impact on your overall well-being in addition to making you feel great. There has actually been a proven link between the act of smiling and feeling happy! Keep reading for some advice from Dr. Sepi Torkan at iSmile Orthodontics about why smiling is important.

Here are some facts and statistics about smiling:

  • Smiles can use anywhere from 5 to 53 muscles in your face.
  • Smiles can be contagious! People actually have trouble frowning when looking at others who are smiling and find themselves subconsciously beginning to smile as well.
  • Smiling can actually boost your immune system and your physical health as well, allowing you to live up to seven years longer!
  • It takes less effort to smile than it does to frown! It takes around 50 muscles to make a frown, but only about 13 to produce a smile.
  • A smile is the most recognized facial expression.

Make sure you’re finding reasons to smile each and every day! If you are not confident in your smile, consider talking to your orthodontist to see how they can help you achieve your most radiant smile! As always, contact our office with any questions you may have about your smile or treatment options.

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